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刘恩涛(Dr. Entao Liu),1986年生,博士,副教授,博士生导师

主要从事沉积盆地分析、海洋地质学、盆地流体年代学教学与科研工作。主持和参与科研项目20余项,包括国家自然科学基金面上项目(主持)和青年项目(主持)、新利体育石油科技创新基金(主持)、页岩油国家重点实验室开放课题(主持)、国家油气重大专项、国家重点研发计划项目、三大油公司外协课题等。在Quaternary Science Reviews、Sedimentary Geology、Marine Geology、Palaeo-3、Marine and Petroleum Geology、AAPG等期刊上发表论文40余篇,出版学术专著3部,担任QSR、MG、MPG等多个国际期刊审稿人。近年来,主要从事含油气盆地沉积学和同位素年代学的研究工作,尤其专注于同位素定年技术(方解石U-Pb定年、锆石U-Pb定年、伊利石定年等)在盆地“源-渠-汇”体系、流体年代学等研究中的应用。联系方式:liuentao@cug.edu.cn02005132@163.com


[1]. 2005年09月至2009年06月,新利体育地质大学(武汉)资源勘查工程基地班,获学士学位

[2]. 2009年09月至2015年06月,新利体育地质大学(武汉)矿产普查与勘探专业“硕博连读”新利体育,获博士学位

[3]. 2012年10月至2015年02月,澳大利亚昆士兰大学联合培养博士新利体育,同位素年代学与地球化学

[4]. 2015年07月至2021年06月,新利体育地质大学(武汉)新利体育副教授,其中2018年10月至2019年01月、2020年1月至2020年3月澳大利亚昆士兰大学访问学者

[5]. 2021年07月至今,新利体育地质大学(武汉)新利体育副教授、博士生导师






























[1].Liu Entao, Deng Yong, Lin Xudong, et al., 2022. Cenozoic Depositional Evolution and Stratal Patterns in the Western Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration. Energies, 15, 8050.

[2].Liu Entao, Chen, Si, Yan, Detian, et al., 2022. Detrital zircon geochronology and heavy mineral composition constraints on provenance evolution in the western Pearl River Mouth basin, northern south China sea: A source to sink approach. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 145: 105884.

[3].Liu Entao, I.Tongu? Uysal, Jian-xin Zhao, et al. 2022. What caused the inconsistency between Rb-Sr and40Ar-39Ar ages of authigenic illites? Journal of Earth Sciences, 33(5): 1145-1151.

[4].Liu Entao, Wang Hua, Pan Songqi, et al. 2021. Architecture and depositional processes of sublacustrine fan systems in structurally active settings: An example from Weixinan Depression, northern South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 134: 105380.

[5].Liu Entao, Zhao Jian-xin, Wang Hua, et al. 2021. LA-ICPMS in situ U-Pb Geochronology of Low-Uranium Carbonate Minerals and its Application to Reservoir Diagenetic Evolution Studies. Journal of Earth Science,32(4): 872-879.

[6].Liu Entao, I. Tongu? Uysal, Wang Hua, et al. 2021. Timing and characterization of multiple fluid flow events in the Beibuwan Basin, northern South China Sea: Implications for hydrocarbon maturation. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 123: 104754.

[7].Liu Entao, Wang Hua, Feng Yuexing, et al. 2020. Sedimentary architecture and provenance analysis of a sublacustrine fan system in a half-graben rift depression of the South China Sea. Sedimentary Geology, 409: 105781.

[8].Liu Entao, Wang Hua, Uysal I. Tongu?, et al. 2017. Paleogene igneous intrusion and its effect on thermal maturity of organic-rich mudstones in the Beibuwan Basin, South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 86: 733-750.

[9].Liu Entao, Zhao Jian-xin, Feng Yuexin, et al. 2016. U-Th age distribution of coral fragments from multiple rubble ridges within the Frankland Islands, Great Barrier Reef: Implications for past storminess history. Quaternary Science Reviews, 143:51-68.

[10].Liu Entao, Song Yinxian, Wang Hua, et al. 2016. Vibrational spectroscopic characterization of mudstones in a hydrocarbon-bearing depression, South China Sea: Implications for thermal maturity evaluation. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 153:241-248.

[11].Liu Entao, Wang Hua, Li Yuan, et al. 2015. Relative role of accommodation zones in controlling sequence stacking patterns and facies distribution: insights from the Fushan Depression, South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 68:219-239.

[12].Liu Entao, Wang Xuan-ce, Zhao Jian-xin, et al. 2015. Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic variations in a deep-sea sediment core from eastern Indian Ocean: Constraints on dust provenances, palaeoclimate and volcanic eruption history in the last 300,000 years. Marine Geology, 367:38-49.

[13].Liu Entao, Zhao Jian-xin, Clark Tara, et al. 2014. High-precision U-series dating of storm-transported coral blocks on Frankland Islands, northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology:414: 68-78.

[14].Liu Entao, Wang Hua, Li Yuan, et al. 2014. Sedimentary characteristics and tectonic setting of sublacustrine fans in a half-graben rift depression, Beibuwan Basin, South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 52: 9-21.

[15]. Yang Tianbo, Azmy K., He Zhiliang, Li Shuangjian,Liu Entao, et al., 2022. Fault-controlled hydrothermal dolomitization of Middle Permian in southeastern Sichuan Basin, SW China, and its temporal relationship with the Emeishan Large Igneous Province: New insights from multi-geochemical proxies and carbonate U–Pb dating. Sedimentary Geology 439, 106215.

[16]. Zou Caineng, Pan Songqi, Horsfield Brian, Yang Zhi, Hao Siying,Liu Entao, Zhang Leifu. 2020. Oil retention and intrasource migration in the organic-rich lacustrine Chang 7 shale of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, central China. AAPG, 103(11): 2627-2664.

[17] He Jie, Wang Hua, Jiang Tao,Liu Entao, Chen Si, Jiang Ping, 2022. Sedimentary Characteristics of Lacustrine Beach-Bars and Their Formation in the PaleogeneWeixinan Sag of Beibuwan Basin, Northern South China Sea. Energies, 15, 3391.

[18]. Huang, Y.T., Tan, X.F.,Liu, Entao, et al., 2021. Sedimentary processes of shallow-marine turbidite fans: An example from the Huangliu Formation in the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea.Marine and Petroleum Geology, 132:105191.

[19]. Gong, Y., Pease, V., Wang, H., Gan, H.,Liu Entao, et al., 2021. Insights into evolution of a rift basin: Provenance of the middle Eocene-lower Oligocene strata of the Beibuwan Basin, South China Sea from detrital zircon. Sedimentary Geology, 419:105908.

[20] Pan, S.Q., Zou, C.N., Li, Y., Jing, Z.H.,Liu Entao, et al., 2021. Major biological events and fossil energy formation: On the development of energy science under the earth system framework. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 48(3): 1-12.

[21]. Gan Huajun, Wang Hua, Shi Yang, Ma Qinglin,Liu Entao, Yan Detian, Pan Zhejun. 2020. Geochemical characteristics and genetic origin of crude oil in the Fushan sag, Beibuwan Basin, South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 112:104114.

[22].Wei, X.S., Yan, D.T., Luo, P., …Liu Entao, 2020. Astronomically forced climate cooling across the Eocene-Oligocene transition in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea. Palaeo-3, 558: 109945.

[23]. Pan Songqi, Zou Caineng, Li Jian, Yang Z.,Liu Entao, Han Yuanjia. 2019. Unconventional shale systems: A comparative study of the “in-source sweet

spot” developed in the lacustrine Chang 7 Shale and the marine Barnett Shale. Marine and Petroleum Geology 100: 540–550.

[24]. Liang Chao, Xie Xinong, Wang Hua, Chen Hui, Shi Guanzhong, Zhong Guangjian,Liu Entao, Sun Ming, Yi Hai. 2019. Depositional evolution of sediment drifts inside intra-slope basins on the lower southeastern slope of the Dongsha Islands (South China Sea) and their paleoceanographic implications. Geo-Marine Letters 39:101–116.

[25]. Liang Chao, Xie Xinong, Zhong Guangjian,Liu Entao, et al. 2019. Effects of igneous bodies on modification of modern slope morphology: Insights from the continental slope offshore Dongsha Islands, South China Sea. Acta Oceanol. Sin., 38(5): 109–117.

[26].Shi Guanzhong, Wang Hua,Liu Entao, et al. 2018. Sr–Nd–Pb isotope systematics of the Permian volcanic rocks in the northern margin of the Alxa Block (the Shalazhashan Belt) and comparisons with the nearby regions: Implications for a Permian rift setting? Journal of Geodynamics, 115: 43-56.

[27]. Cao Hong, Sun Zhilei, Liu Changling,Liu Entao, Jiang Xuejun, Huang Wei. 2018. Origin of natural sulfur-metal chimney in the Tangyin hydrothermal field, Okinawa Trough: constraints from rare earth element and sulfur isotopic compositions. China Geology, 2: 225-235.

[28]. Pan Songqi, Wang Hua, Yang Zhi,Liu Entao, et al. 2016. Fine-grained and coarse-grained Paleogene sublacustrine fan systems in Fushan Depression, Beibuwan Basin, South China Sea: implications for sedimentary characteristics and depositional processes. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 9: 642.

[29]. Wang Guanhong, Wang Hua, Gan Huajun,Liu Entao, et al. 2016. Paleogene tectonic evolution controls on sequence stratigraphic patterns in the Fushan Sag, Northern South China Sea. Journal of Earth Science, 27 (44) :6654-669.


[1].刘恩涛,严德天,王华.箕状断陷湖盆沉积充填特征与油气富集规律.新利体育地质大学出版社,2020, 1-94.(学术专著)

[2].王华,任金峰,刘恩涛.琼东南盆地陆架边缘演化过程的定量化研究,新利体育地质大学出版社,2017, 1-137.(学术专著)


[4].李晨,刘曙,刘恩涛,严承琳.进口铁矿石产地溯源技术.东洋大学出版社, 2021.(学术专著)

[5].刘恩涛, Zhao Jian-xin,潘松圻,等. 2019.盆地流体年代学研究新技术:方解石激光原位U-Pb定年法.地球科学, 44:698-712.

[6].刘恩涛,王华,Zhao Jian-xin,等. 2017.热事件发育地区自生黏土矿物形成过程分析:以北部湾盆地福山凹陷为例,矿物岩石地球化学通报,36(1):59-66.

[7].刘恩涛,王华,李媛,等. 2013.北部湾盆地福山凹陷构造转换带对层序及沉积体系的控制.新利体育石油大学学报(自然科学版), 37: 21-28.

[8].刘恩涛,王华,林正良,等. 2012.北部湾盆地福山凹陷构造转换带及其油气富集规律研究.中南大学学报(自然科学版),43: 3946-3953.

[9].刘恩涛,岳云福,黄传炎,等. 2010.歧口凹陷东营组沉降特征及其成因分析.大地构造与成矿学,34:563-572.

[10].王观宏,黄传炎,刘恩涛,等. 2014.福山凹陷南部缓坡流沙港组坡折带特征及对沉积、油气成藏的控制.中南大学学报(自然科学版), 45: 1531-1541.

[11].李媛,王华,刘恩涛,等. 2014.北部湾盆地福山凹陷层序地层格架下油气藏分布规律与控制因素.中南大学学报(自然科学版), 45: 1542-1553.

[12].潘松圻,邹才能,李勇,荆振华,刘恩涛,等, 2021.重大生物事件与化石能源形成演化——兼论地球系统框架下能源学发展.石油勘探与开发, 48(3): 1-12.